trasmissione di jazz in onda sabato 27 aprile, ore 11, a cura di Sandro Baroni ed Alfredo Pasquali, con ospiti Quinsin Nachoff, Eva Novoa, Dan Weiss
in questa puntata …
Quinsin Nachoff – Stars and Constellations
Brano: Pendulum
Formazione: Quinsin Nachoff (ten.), Mark Helias (cb.), Dan Weis (batt.), Bergamot Quartet: Ledah Finck, Sarah Thomas (viol.), Amy Huimei Tan (viola), Irène Han (cello); The Rhythm Method: Josh Henderson, Erica Dicker (viol.), Leah Asher (viola), Meaghan Burke (cello) agg. in un brano; Matt Holman (cond)

Eva Novoa – Novoa, Gress, Gray trio vol. 1
Brani: Miss Celebrity, Sushi at 6
Formazione: Eva Novoa: Piano, Chinese gongs, Drew Gress: Bass, modular synthesizer, Devin Gray: Drums

Dan Weiss Even odds
Brani: It Is What It Is (3:38, The Children of Uvalde (6:25), 3. Bu, M and M, Five to Nine
Formazione: Dan Weiss / drums, Miguel Zenón / alto saxophone, Matt Mitchell / piano

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